I suppose, I just mean to say, that I feel unfathomably elated at the fact that I am not the only (or first) person to have thought and realized this. Clearly, after reading The Simulacra, Philip K. Dick had thoughts of the same breed. It is refreshing to say the least.
The finish of The Simulacra was sadly not what I was expecting. I feel the book could've been more succinctly written as a short story. What was the overall significance of Duncan and Miller's storyline? They end up emigrating. I honestly cant see anything that would be lost by cutting it out entirely.
Secondly, I really feel that PKD dropped the ball by not giving character descriptions. Other than the terribly single minded, slightly sexist "high round breasts" and the "she was smaller up close" type descriptions. Notice those are both females. There are a grand total of 6 females in this novel. Countless males. So please, for my brain's sake, I hope the next novel has at least more character descriptions.
Other than those
I am immensely looking forward to absorbing more PKD novels.